About Madeleine

Madeleine started working in London as a full time massage therapist in 2001, where she worked in:

Billy Elliot - the London Musical
Horse of the Year Show (2004-5)
On tour with the London Symphony Orchestra
With special clients - Adnant Kashoggi & Pierce Brosnan.

Image of Madeleine Zagni MZ Therapy

Madeleine’s Background

Her vocation in bodywork and desire to see people functioning at their physical best has lead her to train in a variety of healing modalities, all of which spread different light and wisdom on the multi-dimensionality of the human body.

Her interest in yoga started as a desire to understand physical alignment from the inside out, and the practice of correct movement patterns that encourages joint congruence and mobility. The Rolf method with its emphasis on restoring alignment and movement through myofascial work is an extension of this, and a beacon of hope for all those whose physical bodies have been compromised by injury, trauma or vocation.

Her further studies of yoga in the lineage of Krishnamacharya have lead her to becoming a yoga Therapist with renowned Yoga teacher and Therapist Gary Kraftsow of the American Vini-yoga institute. Yoga therapy differs from the class approach to provide one on one personalised practical strategies for huge transformation physically, constitutionally, emotionally and mentally.

Formerly a professional classical musician, her interest in body work and natural health began whilst writing her dissertation on Stress and Relaxation, for her BSc in Human Sciences, University College London. Being a keen traveller, she has lived and worked in Europe, S-E Asia and Africa, and spent long periods in India,where she has been studying and practising yoga.

MZ Therapy Turquoise Diamond

What Madeleine Offers

  • Where her multidisciplinary skills may be required to cater for different occasions.

Training & Qualifications

Yoga Therapy YT 500 - Accredited May 2020 American Viniyoga
Institute Gary Kraftsow www.viniyoga.com

Rolf Method of Structural Integration – Rolf Guild Boulder USA June 2012 www.rolfguildusa.org

Sports massage – London school of sports massage – Mel Cash June 2001 www.lssm.com

Biomechanics – Gary Ward AiM https://findingcentre.co.uk/ - 2019 - 2022

Shiatsu – European shiatsu school

Amatsu Integrated Medicine – April 2004

Thai massage – Sunshine Network, Chang Mai Thailand – Asokananda May 2001 www.asokananda.com

Upledger Cranio Sacral Therapy 1& 2 2008, Somato Emotional Release 1 2009 www.upledger.co.uk

Madeleine is insured by Balens and a member of the International Association of Structural Integration.

Reiki 1 & 2 – Michael Kaufmann – London, Reiki Master – Julie Elizabeth White 2008

Anatomy Trains UK – Fascial Release series with James Earls 2013/2014 www.anatomytrains.co.uk

Yoga therapy & TTC – Atmavikasa 2006/08 www.atmavikasayoga.in

TTC – Sukashanti 2008. www.soundmoves.yoga

Yin Yoga TTC – Paul Grilley 2010 www.paulgrilley.com

TTC & Yoga Therapy – Svastha Yoga 2013 www.svastha.net

Various seminars with Srivatsa Ramaswami 2012/13 www.vinyasakrama.com

TTC with Steve Brandon – Harmony Yoga 2014 www.vinyasakramayogaacademy.com

Contact Madeleine Today

Please fill out the contact form if you have any further questions or

0778 6066434


MZ Therapy Orange Diamond